As from Napa, we felt quite close to Novato where we wanted to be tonight, we took ou time riding thru the vineyards of Napa Valley. The landscape is curved with plenty little hills on which spread these rigorous straight rows of grapes. The wind blows, warm and soft, and continuously; which is one of the key ingredient of the success of these wines.
This valley has earned the reputation of producing some of the best wines in California and in all the US. The mediterranean climate makes it especially good for the vineyards to grow and it really feels like riding thru south of France as we go along. We stopped at Luna that Gerry likes especially and at Artesa for a visit of their facilities and another wine tasting.
It was around 4:00 pm when we started to head towards Novato some 25 miles / 40 km away. We got one sign wrong that got us onto a detour back towards Napa County. Then my front tire went flat and as I pulled over the side of the road, I run into a bunch of goatheads that punctured my two other tires: three flats at once!!
My tubes are wearing: I had another flat on road 37 a few miles away from Novato. It is high time that we cross this bridge.
More info:
* Paris judgement: how a British merchant spread the word about California wines
Evidemment après avoir gouté tous les vins, tu accuses tes pneus de ne plus pouvoir rouler ... quelle excuse, les trois en même temps.. Bonne réparation et bon courage.. on dirait que c'est bientôt la fin ..?? snif, snif...!! PPAGT