Friday, July 31

South wind

Back on highway 395 heading south: after just 15 miles, I am riding in California! Not much difference as I carry on along the Goose lake that also dries out.

Yet it feels like getting real close to the destination of my long trip. After stopping in Davis Creek for a hot dog, I got back on my bike. I thought the wind was supposed to come from the west. A little south wind seems to tell me: "you aren't done yet riding to San Francisco..."

1 comment:

  1. Virginy GSA-BoustonAugust 5, 2009 at 4:47 AM

    Coucou Nicolas,
    On part aujourd'hui pour quelques jours de vacances à la Martinique. On aura un peu de mal à être aussi attentifs à ton évolution mais reprendrons le cours de les aventures rapidement! On t'embrasse.
    Virginy & Jérôme


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